Robotic Process Automation

RPA (Robotic Process Automation) works well in an Organization for functions that requires performing tasks in a specific order in a large number of repetitive quantities. In such scenarios, Robotic automation uses a computer (a.k.a. robot) to run application software in the exact same way within much lesser time than a person with that software.

  • Automation that interacts with a computer – centric process with a software user interface providing support
  • RPA aims to replace repetitive tasks performed by humans, with a virtual workforce, humans then make judgemental calls, handle exceptions and provide oversight
  • RPA configures software that will automate the activities or tasks previously performed by humans
  • Services offered by NotionMindz are;
    • Consulting
    • Process Automation
    • Support and Maintenance
    • Value Added Services
How can we help you ?

Our experts has rich and hand-on experience to understand your Business aim and provide solutions by leveraging technology.